The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

A Parochial Case for Joe Biden, our next President.

A Parochial Case for Joe Biden, our next President.

The Parochialist is not in the business of telling you what to think, how to act, or what to do (other than wearing a mask to help stop the spread of Coronavirus). The Parochialist is all about telling you my opinions, how I think, how I act, and what I do. All I ever hope is that by the choices I make, I can influence others to do the same. That’s it. That is the sole purpose of this blog. I have the right to say what I say in my narrow perspective of the blog that was at one time my tool to bring down the Baltimore City Paper, which in retrospect, was an ill-conceived and nihilistic marketing ploy…

But it is within the scope of my mission as the Parochialist to offer up what I call The Parochial Case for Joe Biden…

First and foremost : D***** TR*** is a fucking disaster. If you do not accept this, then it is likely you will not be a fan of what I have to say. (I can offer up many examples on my JOMPT blog. )

But even if you argue with this point of view, I can still find some common ground with you. But read on…

Second and second-most: Joe Biden was not my first choice, nor my second, nor my third, not even my fourth. I Liked Yang, I liked Warren, I liked Harris, I was all in for Bernie (until he started winning those early states and I got buyer’s remorse). And then there was South Carolina, where old Stumblin’ Joe got his second wind…

Third: Third parties.

Guys: I was once like you. I really wanted to vote, but I didn’t want the responsibility of my choice mattering. I proudly cast my 2000 vote for Ralph Nader, because I hated both Bush and Gore and I lived in deep blue Maryland and I wanted to make a point. But…holy crap. All it took was some Nader votes in Florida and the relative unpopularity of Al Gore to make Bush the president who started the war in Iraq. (and to think, years later, we wax nostalgic over this guy because even he was better than the guy we got now.) Listen: if we eliminate the Electoral College, maybe we can talk. Until that happens, no. Just no.

Fourth: You are never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to find a candidate who completely gets you and gives you everything you could ever want. Just like you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever get anything under the current administration, who will work like hell in the next 4 years to dismantle everything you hold dear, like healthcare and personal freedom and Tik Tok and whatever...

Fifth: Judges, Federal and Supreme Court. Think Elections don’t matter? Think who the president is doesn’t matter? Ok. Do you freak out anytime RBG goes to the hospital? Do you ever notice that Clarence Thomas is almost always on the shitty side of every argument? These people are appointed by presidents. It fucking matters.


Ok…getting back to Biden…

There is nothing wrong with Biden’s mind. That’s just some bullshit certain disreputable media has been trying to use against him.

But it does bring me to an observation.

My background is in Communications, written and spoken.

T**** is what would be called a “hot” candidate. His messages are simple (not his speeches, which are incoherent): Build the Wall. Suburban Lifestyle Dream. Protesters are Anarchists who hate America. And other bullshit.

Biden is “cool.” You fill in a lot about him and you see what you want when you look at him. What he says and does don’t matter half as much as who he is.

In fact, both candidates have this in common. There is no getting through to a hardcore T**** fan, but there is also no getting through to a Biden supporter, either. While T**** could at one point correctly assume that shooting someone on 5th Avenue won’t cost him any votes, he was basically giving an exaggerated version of his view. Conversely, Biden could drive a bus full of schoolchildren off a cliff and he’d just be crazy Uncle Joe. People will vote for him because they are tired of T****. Actions don’t matter. And that will work to Biden’s advantage.

What people say about Biden doesn’t matter. No one who is on his side will believe anything, but the narrative spun by the campaign.

And for once, I’m ok with that.

And once in office, Biden will continue to be roundly criticized by Fox news and your Trump loving relatives. But the rest of us will go back to tuning out and just being happy we survived……

And I will still be The Parochialist….


Fictional5 said...

OkOk, so I agree with everything you say... Except for the Nader vote.🤔.
The problem is this, T bag rustled up a metric shit ton of buried white privilege in the country, and it's not hidden. The problem is getting him out without a Civil War. Antifa is an ideology, white guys in camo with uzi's in govt buildings being treated with kid gloves, while a knee on the neck warrants supposedly passing a fake 20spot.
I am not a huge Biden fan, I didn't fall for Bernie, kinda liked Pete... But it was weak tea, and so we have an Obama reboot in our cranium to try and make any sense out of hydro clorox o queen and the madness that is going to ensue. Let's defund the Post Office, let's have the entire Judicial system as our personal lawyer, let's just con man our way through screaming 'MERICA... (but we dont care about them..those redneck rubes Or anyone..fake people, But us.. Because narccisism wins.) He will try, with the entire Republican kool-aid party, other countries, and his hell horde to swing this election in his favor.... All we can do is vote... and that's a tall order when you can't people to wear a protective garment during a pandemic... and keep flipping the Magic 8 ball waiting for the answer we want. Tnugget is not the AntiChrist... He's the embodiment of all of the bad thoughts and actions that usually live in the dark of night. They don't fear the sun any longer, and they don't care, in fact they take the time to remind you that nightmares don't look at clocks

Fictional5 said...

Tada, it's Clutch

Davey G. said...

Haha, thanks for reading.

About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.