The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What’s up, Doge? A terribly Parochial View.

No really. I have no idea what this is. I have only a passing familiarity with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. But like any doubter, I fear that which I do not understand. But a couple observations.

1. I am naturally skeptical of anything for which people evangelize, whether it’s a religion, movie. Band, or TV show. This minute you advocate for something that I just HAVE TO TRY/DO/LISTEN TO/WATCH, I am already shifting into self-defense mode. I like my things. I like what I like. I know who I am and what I like to do with my time. Why are you trying to change me????

2. In general, I find talking about money to be staggeringly dull. But even further than that, I also find that I can’t read about it or watch movies about it. My eyes glaze over trying to understand the many terms used for the stock market, derivatives and such. I just can’t.

3. Um…why are you still here? If you’re making so much money, why aren’t you on a yacht somewhere?

4. Why would I ever take advice from you? Have you looked at yourself lately???

5. Color me…whatever…but I’ve lived a long time and I’ve never come across anything to replace the “go to work/earn a check paradigm. (Is it a paradigm? It feels like a paradigm.) All the ways to make easy money always wind up biting in the ass: look at the saps who owned all those Air B&Bs. Or people that thought they would make it on Amway? I just don’t have a very strong faith in the easy way. And that’s coming from a person who isn’t crazy about going to work and would love to know that there is an easy way.

Anyway, that’s my time. I am the Parochialist and I have a parochial view of everything.

Monday, May 17, 2021

American Kompromat: A Parochial Review.

American Kompromat

By Craig Unger

(How the KGB cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power and Treachery.)

It’s right there in the subtitle. This is the first thing I thought about when considering how to review this. Because it does stray from the initial topic quite a bit and may cause the casual reader to wonder “what does this have to do with THAT?” But the scope of the book is broad and paints a picture that we all recognize at this point. But the wrinkle of Trump being recruited as an asset back in the 80’s (one of many) by the KGB and then unwittingly parroting back the whole Soviet/Russian worldview as a platform for a major political party is the kind of thing that was supposed to be exposed by the Mueller Report. As explained in the text, it was all skillfully buried by AG William Barr. Barr gets a lot of time and airplay in this. It does offer a relatively damning summary of Trump’s time in public life, how one can trace back 40 years to see how the former Soviet Union saw promise in this brash young real estate tycoon on the rise, and how his ascent to the top office in the United States would have gone beyond any KGB recruiters’ wildest dreams.

But like a lot of books from the era of Trump, it will convince the initiated and be dismissed by his supporters who may or may not bother to read books. By the very nature of the subject, it can only be hearsay. And the book makes a point about how all the best intelligence operations are done with very few laws broken.

The last chapter sums up the last year of the Trump administration and the attempt to overturn the election. Somewhere Vladimir Putin is smiling.

About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.