The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Epic Reason Number 1

You waited all month and here it is: Reason Number 1 in my epic series of reasons why I hate the City paper enough to have started this campaign against them:

Reason Number One: They ignore me…and they probably ignore you.

When they should be helping you to get noticed by the city, the state, the country, the world, they do what every gate-keeping cocksucker in this town does: They help their buddies, their cousins, their lovers, and unless you are one of them, (or possibly too big to ignore--like John Waters or something) they just don’t pay any attention to you.

I am a performer. I know I’m not the best, but I’m certainly not the worst. I have been doing my thing for 7 years, and I can say, with all sincerity, that if nothing else, it’s entertaining. Unique. Worth checking out. It’s at least as good as any of the bands and collectives that CP has over-exposed in their pages. And how many feature articles or profiles have I received from them?

I know this may sound like a crybaby, sore loser sort of reason--after all, I stopped reading the City Paper and started this blog when I didn’t win Best of Baltimore--but really, that campaign was just a last ditch effort to save my relationship with City Paper. I can’t stand them because they exemplify everything that is wrong with Baltimore. This is a city of over 600 thousand people that acts like it’s some hick town in the middle of nowhere. It’s got so much going for it (that maybe you don’t see unless you come from somewhere else, like I do) that it is inconceivable that so few people seem to hold the reins in allowing what will be successful.

It boils down to the thing that I mentioned in the posts leading up to the formation of this blog, and indeed form the logic of The Parochialist: Parochialism is the problem. And City Paper exemplifies that problem.

So now I am not reading the City Paper. I don’t want them to go out of business or anything--they have a right to their opinion, this is America, and while I am an idealist when it comes to some things, I’m not crazy. One guy is never going to bring down the giant. But I hope that in the future, I will be able to put some kind of dent in the ingrained culture of this town, and provide even the smallest of small islands of free, non-judgmental information, to serve the community in which I live. You know--like what the City Paper is supposed to be doing?

Thank you for reading this month! Come back next week for less parochialism!

Next Month: Our First Annual Parochialist Awards: The Parochials!

New Political Animal!

Straight Dope

Charm City Cineaste


This Modern World

The Maakies

The Perry Bible Fellowship


Michael Shermer’s E-Skeptic Newsletter!

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About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.