The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Maiden Voyage

Welcome to the maiden voyage of my new blog which will send shudders down the spine of a certain alternative weekly, if they ever happen to google it, and scroll down to listing number 237, click on the icon, put in a password, and...damn, they really won't care, will they?

So you wanna boycott the Baltimore City Paper because you’re sick of their pandering to an elite few while ignoring your favorite artists (like Davey G and the Keyboard?) Boy, are you in luck!

I have (had) been a City Paper reader for 13 years, and I’d always found it to be worth the ten minutes or so I spent with it every week. But now, I just can’t even conceal my disgust for this Alternative Weekly. The complete pandering to their butt buddies from whatever local group is cool this week, the snotty and useless movie reviews, their handling of the Talking Head situation (where they unnecessarily highlighted the owner’s criminal record in a “fair” and “balanced” assessment of why the club had to close down last winter), the god-awful ramblings of Mr. Wrong (yeah, I get it, you’re supposed to be that guy everyone loves to hate--only you express yourself so poorly that even when I agree with you I want to disagree). Hell, they can’t even admit when they actually LIKE something, as that would somehow subtract from their coolness. In short, I am sick of reading the City Paper, and I refuse to support them anymore.

But there is a problem. Do I throw out the baby with the bathwater? After all, there are things in the CP that I do like to read, such as Savage Love, Political Animal, This Modern World, etc. Not to mention that CP is a free source for what’s going on in Baltimore on any given week. How can I still get this information without having to resort to picking up the paper that irritates me so much?
Well, here’s where my plucky resourcefulness comes in. I am making my own bastardized version of the City Paper, for my own personal use, (minus their snotty, annoying commentary) and you can too! Print it out for yourself, add your own columns!

This week!
A music site.

Political Animal

Savage Love

Free Will Astrology!

This Modern World

The Maakies

Straight Dope.

Stuff to do!

Win tickets to the next Davey G and the Keyboard show! Enter here!

See you next week for the next edition of The Parochialist!


K8 Z said...

Dave, doesn't Mink Stole write an advice column in the Baltimore City Paper?? It can't be all bad ...

Davey G. said...

Not anymore. But I would gladly link to that one too, if it's still around!

About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.