The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Renting the Libs

So apparently, according to the Angry White House Staffer, who is usually reliable, the Corona numbers are projected to go to 500K by January 1. It could be trimmed by 100K by wearing masks and washing hands but let’s not go crazy here. And anyway, what’s another 100K lives anyway? Herd immunity! Let the sick die so YOU can live! MAGA! MAGA! KAG! NAFTA! NAMBLA! “They’re just inflating the numbers to make Trump look bad!”

And other insanity….


And speaking of Trump and insanity and since this is The Parochialist, I have to talk about Baltimore, and Jared “Slumlord” Kushner, the accomplished son-in-law of Dear Leader…who talks shit about the very city he rents to...well, technically, he rents out in the county. But even more troubling is the pattern of doing things simply to “trigger” people and “own the Libs.”

Hey…maybe it’s strategy and some silly form of rhetorical genius, distraction or whatever…but is it productive? Is it helping anything get better? Is it doing anything besides making people angry?

While I can’t speak to the quality of his properties, what I can speak to is his disregard for the very place where he owns property and does business.


If you don’t live here, shut the fuck up. If you used to live here and then you moved away to “start your family” or some other bullshit, then you really need to shut the fuck up because you are definitely not helping anything.

Your privilege is to leave and then shit on those who remain…

It’s not rocket surgery…disinvestment, a government that is anti-public transportation…the cancellation of the Red Line was a mild disappointment for me but it was absolutely devastating to the Black Community, especially in West Baltimore. The Federal Government is supposed to be responsible for everyone, including people in cities that don’t vote for Republicans. But the 60 plus years of disinvestment and the proliferation of “slums” took people from both sides of the aisle to happen. The big difference is that other than to use us for a punching bag, Republicans don’t give a fuck about Baltimore, and it’s obvious.

Baltimore has a weird mix of what some of us call “good block/bad block” and is partly the result of people on the top not helping people on the bottom…and a slew of other crap…

The point is, I know this because I live here and I care. We have some wonderful amenities but I am afraid we are all out of time….

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About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.