The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Thoughts and shades of gray over which we should not destroy ourselves....


Let’s stop destroying each other over shades of gray. The Left is so much worse about this than the right. At least the MAGAs have each other, and they don’t seem to fight amongst themselves as much. We need to be the same about our guy. We need to put aside our differences for the next 60 days and vote for Biden. We will be in much better shape dealing with him than dealing with four more years of Trump.

The nicest thing I can muster about Dear Leader is that he just doesn’t care. He pushes crap like “Herd Mentality” which was a telling Freudian slip that only slightly distracts from the sheer insanity of herd immunity which dictates that some people should die (ok, a LOT of people should die) so that these other people can live. I said before, I’ll keep saying it: that is fucked up.

Also…How about rather than making excuses and trying to drag up articles about why you shouldn’t wear a mask (which are written by crackpots on sites that crash my computer) or trying to win the day with your rhetorical brilliance, maybe you should stop being selfish and just do your part? It’s really not all about you.

I don’t know about you…but I’m tired of stupid people making stupid decisions that fuck up my life.

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About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.