No really. I have no idea what this is. I have only a passing familiarity with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. But like any doubter, I fear that which I do not understand. But a couple observations.
1. I am naturally skeptical of anything for which people evangelize, whether it’s a religion, movie. Band, or TV show. This minute you advocate for something that I just HAVE TO TRY/DO/LISTEN TO/WATCH, I am already shifting into self-defense mode. I like my things. I like what I like. I know who I am and what I like to do with my time. Why are you trying to change me????
2. In general, I find talking about money to be staggeringly dull. But even further than that, I also find that I can’t read about it or watch movies about it. My eyes glaze over trying to understand the many terms used for the stock market, derivatives and such. I just can’t.
3. Um…why are you still here? If you’re making so much money, why aren’t
you on a yacht somewhere?
4. Why would I ever take advice from you? Have you looked at yourself lately???
5. Color me…whatever…but I’ve lived a long time and I’ve never come across anything to replace the “go to work/earn a check paradigm. (Is it a paradigm? It feels like a paradigm.) All the ways to make easy money always wind up biting in the ass: look at the saps who owned all those Air B&Bs. Or people that thought they would make it on Amway? I just don’t have a very strong faith in the easy way. And that’s coming from a person who isn’t crazy about going to work and would love to know that there is an easy way.
Anyway, that’s my time. I am the Parochialist and I have a parochial view of everything.