The Parochialist

The Parochialist
Masked and Parochial

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Some Parting Thoughts, January 19, 2021

Some Parting Thoughts…

First of all, thank you, America. Thank you, Georgia. Thank all of you for coming out and voting that fucker out. You are the real heroes.

It always pissed me off when someone called him an optimist. He’s a fatalist, leading other fatalists; the same fatalists who use that excuse to not bother taking basic precautions to avoid getting sick or passing it on. The same fatalists who perpetuated the false information and just always assumed it was going to get them so, why bother trying to prevent it?

I’ve been comparing the COVID-19 situation to every security deposit from every landlord I ever had. You see: I fought for every single one of them, even when every roommate told me I’d never get it back. And you know what? I cleaned those places. I followed up, and if I had to, I tracked the person down. And I always got my deposit back.

Same with COVID-19. When other people just said “oh, we’re all gonna get it, I say “no.” It is not inevitable. It is not fate. It is preventable. I have worked all the way through this thing (10 months) around hundreds of people. Many came down with it. I have not. (knock on wood). I never did. And as a bonus: No colds, not my usual upper Respiratory infection that I get every year.

This thing is deadly, but it was never inevitable.

I refuse to accept the “We’re all fucked” mentality.

And when people blindly followed him with some of the biggest flags and lawn signs I’ve ever seen in my life. I tried to remember any president at any time in my life when it was like this, and while “W’s” followers were pretty bad, it was never quite like this. I knew he was dangerous because I have seen this before…I’ve been around this kind of controlling, narcissistic behavior. I’ve seen the power of applying the right words, flattering at the right moment, driving the story, driving the conversation, always bringing the story back to themselves…It frustrated me to see it and realize that others did not see it.

I see grown men imitating him and I’m embarrassed for them. I see people I’ve known for years defend him and overlook his awfulness in a cloud of “whataboutism” and “oh, they all do it!” and I just shake my head. I just don’t remember a president lying this much and actively working against his predecessor even on small and non-controversial policies (like the Clean Water Act, or the rule banning the sale of military grade weapons to police departments…and let’s not forget how he tried to take away your healthcare for 4 years.).

He. Is. A. Dick.

But because I am naturally inclined to find the positive in any situation…here were some good things that came from the last disastrous year of his disastrous presidency…

I have still been working this whole time and I haven’t gotten sick or died.

I finished 2 stories I thought were unsalvageable…

I read 30 books.

We walked almost every day.

And tomorrow, he’s gone.

G** bless America, maybe.

About Me

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Davey G and the handle for writer, performer, musician and sports fan, David G. Cookson. This blog (as the late George Carlin would say) is just a place for his stuff.