I don’t know why Americans are so hell-bent on destroying themselves. We’re not asking you to jump into a fireball or go fight in a war somewhere (unless you’re a fireman or a soldier). Comparatively speaking, staying inside or wearing a mask when you go out is pretty small potatoes. It’s just wearing a mask—as a courtesy to others, as a way to stop the spread. You can cry “fake news” all you want, but the consensus has become that if more of us were wearing masks (and had been doing it since the beginning) we could have stopped this spread. (South Korea, and New Zealand have stopped Covid-19 and if you can’t be bothered to research things then I can’t be bothered either, but I know there are more.). But we don’t. The “President” doesn’t want to lead so he leaves it to the Governors. The Governors don’t want to lead so they leave it to the local authorities. And more people get sick. And more people are going to die. People hate when I say we are going to lose 300 thousand Americans (we’re at 120 thousand now). I want to be wrong. I hope I’m wrong.
“But the economy,” or the assholes that cry “herd immunity” (this article is a few months old, but it gets the point across about why herd immunity is not the answer for this ) or “that mask won’t protect you.”
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Don’t believe me.
I’m just wearing my mask and trying to get through this whole thing alive without unknowingly transmitting the disease to anyone else. I wish other people felt the same.
I am the Parochialist.